Tel : 919 251 6280
Spiceworks Award
virtualization admin2
svc 2017

Trusted by thousands of customers worldwide

Let's calculate your price

Prices include 24/7 Support and Updates (for the duration of your license/subscription).

Choose your license type:
Number of VMs
you wish to back up
- +
Number of Hosts
you wish to back up
- +
Your Price
$ for unlimited VMs on 1 host(s)
(Unlimited sockets) Contact a Partner for a quote


    • Price includes the Unlimited Plus Edition, 24/7 priority support and the latest functionality and patch fixes for the duration of your subscription.
    • For Unlimited Plus Edition, CMC access requires a valid SMA after 1st year
Contact us for discounted Non-Profit, Education and Government pricing or if you have any questions.

Price Comparison

Unlimited Plus Edition
Unlimited Edition Standard Edition
Perpetual license pricing, priced per host (Unlimited sockets)

Includes 1 year of 24/7 priority support and all version updates. Additional years can be purchased upfront at the reduced rate of 25% of the license price.

$875 per host

Unlimited VMs per host

$695 per host

Unlimited VMs per host

$595 per host

Max 5 VMs per host

Subscription pricing, priced per VM, starting at:

Freedom from host-specific licensing: License your VMs and run them on any host.
Includes Unlimited Plus Edition, 24/7 priority support, the latest functionality and access to the product for the duration for your subscription. Multi-year subscriptions are available.

$ per VM
per year

Minimum of 5 VMs

$ per VM
per year

Minimum of 5 VMs

$ per VM
per year

Minimum of 5 VMs


View purchasing options through one of our local resellers.

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Feature Comparison

Unlimited Plus Edition Unlimited Edition Standard Edition Free Edition
Industry-leading: 24/7 Premium Technical Support at no extra cost check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Backup Retention Automatic Automatic Automatic Manual
Control Panel (CP) check2 sm
Cloud Backup to MS Azure check2 sm
Cloud Backup to Amazon S3 check2 sm
Cloud Backup to Wasabi check2 sm
Immutable Cloud Backup to Azure Blob check2 sm
Immutable Cloud Backup to Amazon S3 check2 sm
Immutable Cloud Backup to Wasabi check2 sm
WAN-Optimized Replication check2 sm
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) check2 sm
Support for MS Azure Stack HCI check2 sm
Export Operation History (via REST API) check2 sm
Cloud Backup to BackBlaze B2 check2 sm
Immutable Backup to BackBlaze B2 check2 sm
Automatic Configuration of Newly Discovered VMs check2 sm
Augmented Inline Deduplication check2 sm check2 sm
Boot from Backup check2 sm check2 sm
Cross Platform Restore check2 sm check2 sm
Support for MS Hyper-V Clusters (CSV) and VMware vCenter check2 sm check2 sm
Exchange Item-Level Restore check2 sm check2 sm
Grandfather-Father-Son Archiving (GFS) check2 sm check2 sm
Multiple offsite backup locations check2 sm check2 sm
Offsite Backups over LAN/Local Connection check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Offsite Backups over WAN/Internet check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
File Level Restore check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Restore VMs to a different host check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Sandbox Restore & Backup verification check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Flexible Backup Scheduling check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Hot/Live Backups check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Fast & Small Backups - Compression check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Restore Clone check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Physical server backup check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm check2 sm
Military Grade (AES) Encryption of Backups Primary and Offsite Backups Primary and Offsite Backups Offsite Only
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Not sure which version to choose? Email us for a quick reply!
For volume discounts, please contact us for a quote.

Join the complimentary Altaro Partner Program and resell VM Backup at a discounted price, plus benefit from priority support, product training and more.

As a partner you can also benefit from free access to the Control Panel, allowing you to monitor and manage all your customer Hyper-V and VMware backups from a single cloud console. If you're an MSP you can do this on a monthly subscription - and also back up your customers' physical Windows servers - with the MSP Partner Program. View the pricing below:

MSP Edition
Price per host (Unlimited sockets) Contact us

(pricing is per VM per year; you can add physical server backups at an additional fee)


View purchasing options through one of our local resellers.

Learn more
Number of virtual machines that can be backed up and restored per host Unlimited VMs
per host
Industry-leading: 24/7 Premium Technical Support at no extra cost check2 sm
Backup Retention Automatic
Multi-tenant Cloud Management Console check2 sm
Cloud Backup to MS Azure check2 sm
Cloud Backup to Amazon S3 check2 sm
Cloud Backup to Wasabi check2 sm
Immutable Cloud Backup to Azure Blob check2 sm
Immutable Cloud Backup to Amazon S3 check2 sm
Immutable Cloud Backup to Wasabi check2 sm
Backup Retention Automatic
WAN-Optimized Replication check2 sm
Continuous Data Protection (CDP) check2 sm
Backup as a Service check2 sm
Storage usage reporting check2 sm
Offsite server management via CMC check2 sm
Physical Windows servers backup At an additional fee 
Export Operation History (via REST API) check2 sm
Augmented Inline Deduplication check2 sm
Boot from Backup check2 sm
Support for MS Hyper-V Clusters (CSV) and VMware vCenter check2 sm
Support for MS Azure Stack HCI check2 sm
Exchange Item-Level Restore check2 sm
Grandfather-Father-Son Archiving (GFS) check2 sm
Multiple offsite backup locations check2 sm
Offsite Backups over LAN/Local Connection check2 sm
Offsite Backups over WAN/Internet check2 sm
File Level Restore check2 sm
Restore VMs to a different host check2 sm
Sandbox Restore & Backup verification check2 sm
Priority Technical Support (Phone, email, live chat) check2 sm
Lightning Fast Support Call Response of less than 30 seconds check2 sm
Flexible Backup Scheduling check2 sm
Hot/Live Backups check2 sm
Fast & Small Backups - Compression check2 sm
Restore Clone check2 sm
Military Grade (AES) Encryption of Backups Offsite Only and Backup
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Already a customer and wish to upgrade to V9?

Whether you're a small or mid-market company or a large corporation, we are the provider of choice for backup solutions for Hyper-V, VMware, physical Windows servers, endpoints, and MS 365/Office 365