VMware Carbon Black – Next-Gen Cloud Security is Here
08 Oct 2020 by Xavier AvrillierWith VMware Carbon Black say goodbye to deploying and managing antivirus software with costly vulnerability scans across all VMs every night.
vRealize AI Cloud is Announced at VMworld 2020
01 Oct 2020 by Xavier AvrilliervRealize AI is a self-learning engine that uses artificial intelligence to do self-healing, self-initiation, self-securing and more. Let's take a closer look.
Simplified Lifecycle Management in vSphere 7
10 Sep 2020 by Simon CranneyThis article looks at the lifecycle management improvements introduced in vSphere 7, focusing predominantly on the new vSphere Lifecycle Manager tool
VMware vSAN 7.0 – New Features in vSphere 7
03 Sep 2020 by Brandon LeeTake a closer look at VMware vSAN 7.0 new features in vSphere 7 and get a feel for the new capabilities that vSAN 7.0 brings to the enterprise data center
Everything in VMware vCenter Server 7 – New Features in vSphere 7
28 Aug 2020 by Brandon LeeVMware vCenter Server 7 represents a major step forward in the overall functionality of the vSphere management platform. Let's take a closer look!
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