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With Windows Server 2012, Microsoft changed the networking game by introducing native teaming. It gave us a supported way to balance traffic for several virtual machines and, if desired, the host. In Windows Server 2016, Microsoft changed the game again with the switch-embedded team (SET). This singular logical construct combines the traffic balancing technology of a team into the Hyper-V virtual switch. It includes several other improvements, making it a worthwhile choice over the traditional team. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not provide any way to gracefully convert an existing team configuration to the new SET. I have solved this problem with a new PowerShell script.
What Benefits Does a Switch-Embedded Team Provide Over Native Teaming?
SET improves on the load-balancing failover (LBFO) team and virtual switch combination in two major ways: configuration simplicity and performance.
SET Configuration Simplicity
With the LBFO and team combination, you must create the team and virtual switch separately. Once created, you must manage them separately. Even experienced Hyper-V administrators can forget which construct implements a specific feature. With SET, you only need to create one item.
One point of contention: SET has no UI at this time. You can only create or manipulate a SET with PowerShell.
SET Performance Benefits
SET provides new technologies that allow them to outperform the older LBFO+team configuration:
- Internal improvements, some stemming from the integration of teaming with the virtual switch into a single construct, others from technology maturation
- LBFO cannot work with RDMA capabilities; SET can
- SET introduces virtual machine multi-queue (VMMQ) capability. Among other things, VMMQ lifts the single-core restriction for VMQ. As a result, VNICs on SET do not have the same upper inbound traffic limit of about 5.5 Gbps as they do on LBFO.
- The latest software-defined networking capabilities
Microsoft has a short article explaining SET’s benefits.
Who Should Not Convert to a Switch-Embedded Team?
For new installations, SET almost always makes more sense than LBFO. It doesn’t work for everyone, though. You also may not want to make changes mid-stream. I recommend that you take some time to ensure that the above benefits apply to your situation before deciding to use this script.
I can think of three situations where you should hesitate to switch from LBFO:
- VMM installations. VMM does not deal with change well. It also does not have any way to ignore host conditions that it does not like. If you change the virtual switch on one host, VMM will exclude it from any clusters. You have options, such as temporarily removing hosts from VMM. Any process that you choose will take time and planning. Think it through before doing anything.
- Hardware LAG installations. SET does not support static or LACP teaming modes. In my experience, most people do not understand LACP, incorrectly believing that it grants universal aggregation capability. Even without LACP, SET will result in a flat or increased performance profile in almost all cases. However, if you have one of the few cases where LACP enables your virtual adapters to exceed 10Gbps, then think twice about giving it up. Even if you don’t really benefit from LACP, moving to SET requires you to change the hardware configuration to allow a switch-independent team.
- Gigabit installations. Most of SET’s enhanced powers benefit systems with 10 gigabit or faster adapters. Gigabit adapters do not cause significant processing load. You won’t see any improvements from SET. I would suggest that you should just leave your configuration as-is.
Script Warnings
If you use VMM, make certain to read the above note. This script can do everything that I promised and still cause problems for VMM.
Unfortunately, it might not work as promised. I performed a great deal of testing during development, and my final testing rounds all worked exactly as expected. However, early iterations caused a lot of problems. Some were significant, including one that I could only fix with a reinstall of Hyper-V. Even if I have managed to completely clear the worst of these problems, you might still encounter errors on your hosts that occur after it deletes your existing configuration but before it builds up a replacement.
As a precaution, record your existing configuration. You need to keep track of the team, virtual switch, and all management operating system virtual NIC settings. You can use my host configuration script as a starting ground to quickly rebuild your networking if necessary.
Script Explanation
I intended for this script to perform a complete replacement of your LBFO+virtual switch with a functionally identical SET configuration. That includes virtual NICs. As you may have already discovered, disconnecting a virtual NIC used by the management operating system destroys the vNIC. So, you can’t just temporarily disconnect them like you can with virtual machine vNICs. I took that in mind when building this script.
This script does the following:
- Detects if the host belongs to a cluster; places nodes into maintenance mode and waits for VMs to drain
- Disconnects remaining VMs from the virtual switch
- Destroys the virtual switch(es) and team(s)
- Creates a SET with the same settings as the original LBFO and switch (where applicable)
- Recreates the original management OS vNICs and re-attaches them. Recreated settings include:
- The IP address and gateway information
- Advanced adapter settings (such as jumbo frames)
- QoS settings
- Reconnects VM network adapters
- Ends maintenance mode on cluster members
It will only touch LBFO+virtual switch teams. It will skip over external virtual switches on single adapters, private switches, internal switches, and SET switches.
If you just run the script by name, it will auto-convert all LBFO+team combinations. It does have a few optional parameters. You can specify specific switches. You can give each switch a new name. You can change QoS and load-balancing modes.
Script Listing
I have included the complete 1.0 script listing below for your convenience. I will not maintain this listing. You will find any updates on my GitHub page. If you find problems, please open issues there.
<# .SYNOPSIS Converts LBFO+Virtual Switch combinations to switch-embedded teams. .DESCRIPTION Converts LBFO+Virtual Switch combinations to switch-embedded teams. Performs the following steps: 1. Saves information about virtual switches and management OS vNICs (includes IPs, QoS settings, jumbo frame info, etc.) 2. If system belongs to a cluster, sets to maintenance mode 3. Disconnects attached virtual machine vNICs 4. Deletes the virtual switch 5. Deletes the LBFO team 6. Creates switch-embedded team 7. Recreates management OS vNICs 8. Reconnects previously-attached virtual machine vNICs 9. If system belongs to a cluster, ends maintenance mode If you do not specify any overriding parameters, the new switch uses the same settings as the original LBFO+team. .PARAMETER Id The unique identifier(s) for the virtual switch(es) to convert. .PARAMETER Name The name(s) of the virtual switch(es) to convert. .PARAMETER VMSwitch The virtual switch(es) to convert. .PARAMETER NewName Name(s) to assign to the converted virtual switch(es). If blank, keeps the original name. .PARAMETER UseDefaults If specified, uses defaults for all values on the converted switch(es). If not specified, uses the same parameters as the original LBFO+switch or any manually-specified parameters. .PARAMETER LoadBalancingAlgorithm Sets the load balancing algorithm for the converted switch(es). If not specified, uses the same setting as the original LBFO+switch or the default if UseDefaults is set. .PARAMETER MinimumBandwidthMode Sets the desired QoS mode for the converted switch(es). If not specified, uses the same setting as the original LBFO+switch or the default if UseDefaults is set. None: No network QoS Absolute: minimum bandwidth values specify bits per second Weight: minimum bandwidth values range from 1 to 100 and represent percentages Default: use system default WARNING: Changing the QoS mode may cause guest vNICS to fail to re-attach and may inhibit Live Migration. Use carefully if you have special QoS settings on guest virtual NICs. .PARAMETER Notes A note to associate with the converted switch(es). If not specified, uses the same setting as the original LBFO+switch or the default if UseDefaults is set. .PARAMETER Force If specified, bypasses confirmation. .NOTES Author: Eric Siron Version 1.0, December 22, 2019 Released under MIT license .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam Converts all existing LBFO+switch combinations to switch embedded teams. Copies settings from original switches and management OS virtual NICs to new switch and vNICs. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam -Name vSwitch Converts the LBFO+switch combination of the virtual switch named "vSwitch" to a switch embedded teams. Copies settings from original switch and management OS virtual NICs to new switch and vNICs. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam -Force Converts all existing LBFO+team combinations without prompting. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam -NewName NewSET If the system has one LBFO+switch, converts it to a switch-embedded team with the name "NewSET". If the system has multiple LBFO+switch combinations, fails due to mismatch (see next example). .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam -NewName NewSET1, NewSET2 If the system has two LBFO+switches, converts them to switch-embedded team with the name "NewSET1" and "NEWSET2", IN THE ORDER THAT GET-VMSWITCH RETRIEVES THEM. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam OldSwitch1, OldSwitch2 -NewName NewSET1, NewSET2 Converts the LBFO+switches named "OldSwitch1" and "OldSwitch2" to SETs named "NewSET1" and "NewSET2", respectively. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam -UseDefaults Converts all existing LBFO+switch combinations to switch embedded teams. Discards non-default settings for the switch and Hyper-V-related management OS vNICs. Keeps IP addresses and advanced settings (ex. jumbo frames). .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-SwitchEmbeddedTeam -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight Converts all existing LBFO+switch combinations to switch embedded teams. Forces the new SET to use "Weight" for its minimum bandwidth mode. WARNING: Changing the QoS mode may cause guest vNICS to fail to re-attach and may inhibit Live Migration. Use carefully if you have special QoS settings on guest virtual NICs. .LINK #> #Requires -RunAsAdministrator #Requires -Module Hyper-V #Requires -Version 5 [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByName', ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param( [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'ByName')][String[]]$Name = @(''), [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'ByID', Mandatory = $true)][System.Guid[]]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'BySwitchObject', Mandatory = $true)][Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitch[]]$VMSwitch, [Parameter(Position = 2)][String[]]$NewName = @(), [Parameter()][Switch]$UseDefaults, [Parameter()][Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchLoadBalancingAlgorithm]$LoadBalancingAlgorithm, [Parameter()][Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchBandwidthMode]$MinimumBandwidthMode, [Parameter()][String]$Notes = '', [Parameter()][Switch]$Force ) BEGIN { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop $IsClustered = $false if(Get-CimInstance -Namespace root -ClassName __NAMESPACE -Filter 'Name="MSCluster"') { $IsClustered = [bool](Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/MSCluster -ClassName mscluster_cluster -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $ClusterNode = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/MSCluster -ClassName MSCluster_Node -Filter ('Name="{0}"' -f $env:COMPUTERNAME) } function Get-CimAdapterConfigFromVirtualAdapter { param( [Parameter()][psobject]$VNIC ) $VnicCim = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/virtualization/v2 -ClassName Msvm_InternalEthernetPort -Filter ('Name="{0}"' -f $VNIC.AdapterId) $VnicLanEndpoint1 = Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $VnicCim -ResultClassName Msvm_LANEndpoint $NetAdapter = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter ('GUID="{0}"' -f $VnicLANEndpoint1.Name.Substring(($VnicLANEndpoint1.Name.IndexOf('{')))) Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $NetAdapter -ResultClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration } function Get-AdvancedSettingsFromAdapterConfig { param( [Parameter()][psobject]$AdapterConfig ) $MSFTAdapter = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/StandardCimv2 -ClassName MSFT_NetAdapter -Filter ('InterfaceIndex={0}' -f $AdapterConfig.InterfaceIndex) Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $MSFTAdapter -ResultClassName MSFT_NetAdapterAdvancedPropertySettingData } class NetAdapterDataPack { [System.String]$Name [System.String]$MacAddress [System.Int64]$MinimumBandwidthAbsolute = 0 [System.Int64]$MinimumBandwidthWeight = 0 [System.Int64]$MaximumBandwidth = 0 [System.Int32]$VlanId = 0 [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]$NetAdapterConfiguration [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]$AdvancedProperties [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]$IPAddresses [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]$Gateways NetAdapterDataPack([psobject]$VNIC) { $this.Name = $VNIC.Name $this.MacAddress = $VNIC.MacAddress if ($VNIC.BandwidthSetting -ne $null) { $this.MinimumBandwidthAbsolute = $VNIC.BandwidthSetting.MinimumBandwidthAbsolute $this.MinimumBandwidthWeight = $VNIC.BandwidthSetting.MinimumBandwidthWeight $this.MaximumBandwidth = $VNIC.BandwidthSetting.MaximumBandwidth } $this.VlanId = [System.Int32](Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $VNIC).AccessVlanId $this.NetAdapterConfiguration = Get-CimAdapterConfigFromVirtualAdapter -VNIC $VNIC $this.AdvancedProperties = @(Get-AdvancedSettingsFromAdapterConfig -AdapterConfig $this.NetAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object -FilterScript { (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.DefaultRegistryValue)) -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty([string]($_.RegistryValue))) -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.DisplayName)) -and ($_.RegistryValue[0] -ne $_.DefaultRegistryValue) }) # alternative to the below: use Get-NetIPAddress and Get-NetRoute, but they treat empty results as errors $this.IPAddresses = @(Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/StandardCimv2 -ClassName MSFT_NetIPAddress -Filter ('InterfaceIndex={0} AND PrefixOrigin=1' -f $this.NetAdapterConfiguration.InterfaceIndex)) $this.Gateways = @(Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/StandardCimv2 -ClassName MSFT_NetRoute -Filter ('InterfaceIndex={0} AND Protocol=3' -f $this.NetAdapterConfiguration.InterfaceIndex)) # documentation says Protocol=2 for NetMgmt, testing shows otherwise } } class SwitchDataPack { [System.String]$Name [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchBandwidthMode]$BandwidthReservationMode [System.UInt64]$DefaultFlow [System.String]$TeamName [System.String[]]$TeamMembers [System.UInt32]$LoadBalancingAlgorithm [NetAdapterDataPack[]]$HostVNICs SwitchDataPack( [psobject]$VSwitch, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]$Team, [System.Object[]]$VNICs ) { $this.Name = $VSwitch.Name $this.BandwidthReservationMode = $VSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode switch ($this.BandwidthReservationMode) { [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchBandwidthMode]::Absolute { $this.DefaultFlow = $VSwitch.DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthAbsolute } [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchBandwidthMode]::Weight { $this.DefaultFlow = $VSwitch.DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight } default { $this.DefaultFlow = 0 } } $this.TeamName = $Team.Name $this.TeamMembers = ((Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $Team -ResultClassName MSFT_NetLbfoTeamMember).Name) $this.LoadBalancingAlgorithm = $Team.LoadBalancingAlgorithm $this.HostVNICs = $VNICs } } function Set-CimAdapterProperty { param( [Parameter()][System.Object]$InputObject, [Parameter()][System.String]$MethodName, [Parameter()][System.Object]$Arguments, [Parameter()][System.String]$Activity, [Parameter()][System.String]$Url ) Write-Verbose -Message $Activity $CimResult = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $InputObject -MethodName $MethodName -Arguments $Arguments -ErrorAction Continue if ($CimResult -and $CimResult.ReturnValue -gt 0 ) { Write-Warning -Message ('CIM error from operation: {0}. Consult {1} for error code {2}' -f $Activity, $Url, $CimResult.ReturnValue) -WarningAction Continue } } } PROCESS { $VMSwitches = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $SwitchRebuildData = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByID' { $VMSwitches.AddRange($Id.ForEach( { Get-VMSwitch -Id $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue })) } 'BySwitchObject' { $VMSwitches.AddRange($VMSwitch.ForEach( { $_ })) } default # ByName { $NameList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $NameList.AddRange($Name.ForEach( { $_.Trim() })) if ($NameList.Contains('') -or $NameList.Contains('*')) { $VMSwitches.AddRange(@(Get-VMSwitch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) } else { $VMSwitches.AddRange($NameList.ForEach( { Get-VMSwitch -Name $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue })) } } } if ($VMSwitches.Count) { $VMSwitches = @(Select-Object -InputObject $VMSwitches -Unique) } else { throw('No virtual switches match the provided criteria') } Write-Progress -Activity 'Pre-flight' -Status 'Verifying operating system version' -PercentComplete 5 -Id 1 Write-Verbose -Message 'Verifying operating system version' $OSVersion = [System.Version]::Parse((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version) if ($OSVersion.Major -lt 10) { throw('Switch-embedded teams not supported on host operating system versions before 2016') } Write-Progress -Activity 'Pre-flight' -Status 'Loading virtual VMswitches' -PercentComplete 15 -Id 1 if ($NewName.Count -gt 0 -and $NewName.Count -ne $VMSwitches.Count) { $SwitchNameMismatchMessage = 'Switch count ({0}) does not match NewName count ({1}).' -f $VMSwitches.Count, $NewName.Count if ($NewName.Count -lt $VMSwitches.Count) { $SwitchNameMismatchMessage += ' If you wish to rename some VMswitches but not others, specify an empty string for the VMswitches to leave.' } throw($SwitchNameMismatchMessage) } Write-Progress -Activity 'Pre-flight' -Status 'Validating virtual switch configurations' -PercentComplete 25 -Id 1 Write-Verbose -Message 'Validating virtual switches' foreach ($VSwitch in $VMSwitches) { try { Write-Progress -Activity ('Validating virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Status 'Switch is external' -PercentComplete 25 -ParentId 1 Write-Verbose -Message ('Verifying that switch "{0}" is external' -f $VSwitch.Name) if ($VSwitch.SwitchType -ne [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchType]::External) { Write-Warning -Message ('Switch "{0}" is not external, skipping' -f $VSwitch.Name) continue } Write-Progress -Activity ('Validating virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Status 'Switch is not a SET' -PercentComplete 50 -ParentId 1 Write-Verbose -Message ('Verifying that switch "{0}" is not already a SET' -f $VSwitch.Name) if ($VSwitch.EmbeddedTeamingEnabled) { Write-Warning -Message ('Switch "{0}" already uses SET, skipping' -f $VSwitch.Name) continue } Write-Progress -Activity ('Validating virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Status 'Switch uses LBFO' -PercentComplete 75 -ParentId 1 Write-Verbose -Message ('Verifying that switch "{0}" uses an LBFO team' -f $VSwitch.Name) $TeamAdapter = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/StandardCimv2 -ClassName MSFT_NetLbfoTeamNic -Filter ('InterfaceDescription="{0}"' -f $VSwitch.NetAdapterInterfaceDescription) if ($TeamAdapter -eq $null) { Write-Warning -Message ('Switch "{0}" does not use a team, skipping' -f $VSwitch.Name) continue } if ($TeamAdapter.VlanID) { Write-Warning -Message ('Switch "{0}" is bound to a team NIC with a VLAN assignment, skipping' -f $VSwitch.Name) continue } } catch { Write-Warning -Message ('Switch "{0}" failed validation, skipping. Error: {1}' -f $VSwitch.Name, $_.Exception.Message) continue } finally { Write-Progress -Activity ('Validating virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Completed -ParentId 1 } Write-Progress -Activity ('Loading information from virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Status 'Team NIC' -PercentComplete 25 -ParentId 1 Write-Verbose -Message 'Loading team' $Team = Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $TeamAdapter -ResultClassName MSFT_NetLbfoTeam Write-Progress -Activity ('Loading information from virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Status 'Host virtual adapters' -PercentComplete 50 -ParentId 1 Write-Verbose -Message 'Loading management adapters connected to this switch' $HostVNICs = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $VSwitch.Name Write-Verbose -Message 'Compiling virtual switch and management OS virtual NIC information' Write-Progress -Activity ('Loading information from virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Status 'Storing vSwitch data' -PercentComplete 75 -ParentId 1 $OutNull = $SwitchRebuildData.Add([SwitchDataPack]::new($VSwitch, $Team, ($HostVNICs.ForEach({ [NetAdapterDataPack]::new($_) })))) Write-Progress -Activity ('Loading information from virtual switch "{0}"' -f $VSwitch.Name) -Completed } Write-Progress -Activity 'Pre-flight' -Status 'Cleaning up' -PercentComplete 99 -ParentId 1 Write-Verbose -Message 'Clearing loop variables' $VSwitch = $Team = $TeamAdapter = $HostVNICs = $null Write-Progress -Activity 'Pre-flight' -Completed if($SwitchRebuildData.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning -Message 'No eligible virtual switches found.' exit 1 } $SwitchMark = 0 $SwitchCounter = 1 $SwitchStep = 1 / $SwitchRebuildData.Count * 100 $ClusterNodeRunning = $IsClustered foreach ($OldSwitchData in $SwitchRebuildData) { $SwitchName = $OldSwitchData.Name if($NewName.Count -gt 0) { $SwitchName = $NewName[($SwitchCounter - 1)] } Write-Progress -Activity 'Rebuilding switches' -Status ('Processing virtual switch {0} ({1}/{2})' -f $SwitchName, $SwitchCounter, $SwitchRebuildData.Count) -PercentComplete $SwitchMark -Id 1 $SwitchCounter++ $SwitchMark += $SwitchStep $ShouldProcessTargetText = 'Virtual switch {0}' -f $OldSwitchData.Name $ShouldProcessOperation = 'Disconnect all virtual adapters, remove team and switch, build switch-embedded team, replace management OS vNICs, reconnect virtual adapters' if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ShouldProcessTargetText , $ShouldProcessOperation)) { if($ClusterNodeRunning) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Draining cluster node' Write-Progress -Activity 'Draining cluster node' -Status 'Draining' $OutNull = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $ClusterNode -MethodName 'Pause' -Arguments @{DrainType=2;TargetNode=''} while($ClusterNodeRunning) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $ClusterNode = Get-CimInstance -InputObject $ClusterNode switch($ClusterNode.NodeDrainStatus) { 0 { Write-Error -Message 'Failed to initiate cluster node drain' } 2 { $ClusterNodeRunning = $false } 3 { Write-Error -Message 'Failed to drain cluster roles' } # 1 is all that's left, will cause loop to continue } } } Write-Progress -Activity 'Draining cluster node' -Completed $SwitchProgressParams = @{Activity = ('Processing switch {0}' -f $OldSwitchData.Name); ParentId = 1; Id=2 } Write-Verbose -Message 'Disconnecting virtual machine adapters' Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Disconnecting virtual machine adapters' -PercentComplete 10 Write-Verbose -Message 'Loading VM adapters connected to this switch' $GuestVNICs = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName * | Where-Object -Property SwitchName -EQ $OldSwitchData.Name if($GuestVNICs) { Disconnect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $GuestVNICs } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250 # seems to prefer a bit of rest time between removal commands if($OldSwitchData.HostVNICs) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing management vNICs' Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Removing management vNICs' -PercentComplete 20 Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250 # seems to prefer a bit of rest time between removal commands Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing virtual switch' Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Removing virtual switch' -PercentComplete 30 Remove-VMSwitch -Name $OldSwitchData.Name -Force Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250 # seems to prefer a bit of rest time between removal commands Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing team' Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Removing team' -PercentComplete 40 Remove-NetLbfoTeam -Name $OldSwitchData.TeamName -Confirm:$false Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250 # seems to prefer a bit of rest time between removal commands Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating SET' Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Creating SET' -PercentComplete 50 $SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm = $null if (-not $UseDefaults) { if ($OldSwitchData.LoadBalancingAlgorithm -eq 5) { $SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm = [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchLoadBalancingAlgorithm]::Dynamic # 5 is dynamic; } else # SET does not have LBFO's hash options for load-balancing; assume that the original switch used a non-Dynamic mode for a reason { $SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm = [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchLoadBalancingAlgorithm]::HyperVPort } } if ($LoadBalancingAlgorithm) { $SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm = $LoadBalancingAlgorithm } $NewMinimumBandwidthMode = $null if(-not $UseDefaults) { $NewMinimumBandwidthMode = $OldSwitchData.BandwidthReservationMode } if ($MinimumBandwidthMode) { $NewMinimumBandwidthMode = $MinimumBandwidthMode } $NewSwitchParams = @{NetAdapterName=$OldSwitchData.TeamMembers} if($NewMinimumBandwidthMode) { $NewSwitchParams.Add('MinimumBandwidthMode', $NewMinimumBandwidthMode) } try { $NewSwitch = New-VMSwitch @NewSwitchParams -Name $SwitchName -AllowManagementOS $false -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true -Notes $Notes } catch { Write-Error -Message ('Unable to create virtual switch {0}: {1}' -f $SwitchName, $_.Exception.Message) -ErrorAction Continue continue } if($SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Setting load balancing mode to {0}' -f $SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm) Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Setting SET load balancing algorithm' -PercentComplete 60 Set-VMSwitchTeam -Name $NewSwitch.Name -LoadBalancingAlgorithm $SetLoadBalancingAlgorithm } $VNICCounter = 0 foreach($VNIC in $OldSwitchData.HostVNICs) { $VNICCounter++ Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status ('Configuring management OS vNIC {0}/{1}' -f $VNICCounter, $OldSwitchData.HostVNICs.Count) -PercentComplete 70 $VNICProgressParams = @{Activity = ('Processing VNIC {0}' -f $VNIC.Name); ParentId = 2; Id=3 } Write-Verbose -Message ('Adding virtual adapter "{0}" to switch "{1}"' -f $VNIC.Name, $NewSwitch.Name) Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Adding vNIC' -PercentComplete 10 $NewNic = Add-VMNetworkAdapter -SwitchName $NewSwitch.Name -ManagementOS -Name $VNIC.Name -StaticMacAddress $VNIC.MacAddress -Passthru $SetNicParams = @{ } if ((-not $UseDefaults) -and $VNIC.MinimumBandwidthAbsolute -and $NewSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode -eq [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchBandwidthMode]::Absolute) { $SetNicParams.Add('MinimumBandwidthAbsolute', $VNIC.MinimumBandwidthAbsolute) } elseif ((-not $UseDefaults) -and $VNIC.MinimumBandwidthWeight -and $NewSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode -eq [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMSwitchBandwidthMode]::Weight) { $SetNicParams.Add('MinimumBandwidthWeight', $VNIC.MinimumBandwidthWeight) } if ($VNIC.MaximumBandwidth) { $SetNicParams.Add('MaximumBandwidth', $VNIC.MaximumBandwidth) } Write-Verbose -Message ('Setting properties on virtual adapter "{0}" on switch "{1}"' -f $VNIC.Name, $NewSwitch.Name) Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting vNIC parameters' -PercentComplete 20 Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $NewNic @SetNicParams -ErrorAction Continue if($VNIC.VlanId) { Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting VLAN ID' -PercentComplete 30 Write-Verbose -Message ('Setting VLAN ID on virtual adapter "{0}" on switch "{1}"' -f $VNIC.Name, $NewSwitch.Name) Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $NewNic -Access -VlanId $VNIC.VlanId } $NewNicConfig = Get-CimAdapterConfigFromVirtualAdapter -VNIC $NewNic if ($VNIC.IPAddresses.Count -gt 0) { Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting IP and subnet masks' -PercentComplete 40 foreach($IPAddressData in $VNIC.IPAddresses) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Setting IP address {0}' -f $IPAddressData.IPAddress) $OutNull = New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $NewNicConfig.InterfaceIndex -IPAddress $IPAddressData.IPAddress -PrefixLength $IPAddressData.PrefixLength -SkipAsSource $IPAddressData.SkipAsSource -ErrorAction Continue } Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting DNS registration behavior' -PercentComplete 41 Set-CimAdapterProperty -InputObject $NewNicConfig -MethodName 'SetDynamicDNSRegistration' ` -Arguments @{ FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.FullDNSRegistrationEnabled; DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled } ` -Activity ('Setting DNS registration behavior (dynamic registration: {0}, with domain name: {1}) on {2}' -f $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.FullDNSRegistrationEnabled, $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled, $NewNic.Name) ` -Url '' foreach($GatewayData in $VNIC.Gateways) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Setting gateway address {0}' -f $GatewayData.NextHop) $OutNull = New-NetRoute -InterfaceIndex $NewNicConfig.InterfaceIndex -DestinationPrefix $GatewayData.DestinationPrefix -NextHop $GatewayData.NextHop -RouteMetric $GatewayData.RouteMetric } Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting gateways' -PercentComplete 42 if ($VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DefaultIPGateway) { Set-CimAdapterProperty -InputObject $NewNicConfig -MethodName 'SetGateways' ` -Arguments @{ DefaultIPGateway = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DefaultIPGateway } ` -Activity ('Setting gateways {0} on {1}' -f $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DefaultIPGateway, $NewNic.Name) ` -Url '' } if($VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DNSDomain) { Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting DNS domain' -PercentComplete 43 Set-CimAdapterProperty -InputObject $NewNicConfig -MethodName 'SetDNSDomain' ` -Arguments @{ DNSDomain = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DNSDomain } ` -Activity ('Setting DNS domain {0} on {1}' -f $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DNSDomain, $NewNic.Name) ` -Url '' } if ($VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DNSServerSearchOrder) { Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting DNS servers' -PercentComplete 44 Set-CimAdapterProperty -InputObject $NewNicConfig -MethodName 'SetDNSServerSearchOrder' ` -Arguments @{ DNSServerSearchOrder = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DNSServerSearchOrder } ` -Activity ('setting DNS servers {0} on {1}' -f [String]::Join(', ', $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.DNSServerSearchOrder), $NewNic.Name) ` -Url '' } if($VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.WINSPrimaryServer) { Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting WINS servers' -PercentComplete 45 Set-CimAdapterProperty -InputObject $NewNicConfig -MethodName 'SetWINSServer' ` -Arguments @{ WINSPrimaryServer = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.WINSPrimaryServer; WINSSecondaryServer = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.WINSSecondaryServer } -Activity ('Setting WINS servers {0} on {1}' -f ([String]::Join(', ', $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.WINSPrimaryServer, $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.WINSSecondaryServer)), $NewNic.Name) ` -Url '' } } if($VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.TcpipNetbiosOptions) # defaults to 0 { Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Setting NetBIOS over TCP/IP behavior' -PercentComplete 50 Set-CimAdapterProperty -InputObject $NewNicConfig -MethodName 'SetTcpipNetbios' ` -Arguments @{ TcpipNetbiosOptions = $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.TcpipNetbiosOptions } ` -Activity ('Setting NetBIOS over TCP/IP behavior on {0} to {1}' -f $NewNic.Name, $VNIC.NetAdapterConfiguration.TcpipNetbiosOptions) ` -Url '' } Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Status 'Applying advanced properties' -PercentComplete 60 $NewNicAdvancedProperties = Get-AdvancedSettingsFromAdapterConfig -AdapterConfig $NewNicConfig $PropertiesCounter = 0 $PropertyProgressParams = @{Activity = 'Processing VNIC advanced properties'; ParentId = 3; Id=4 } foreach($SourceAdvancedProperty in $VNIC.AdvancedProperties) { foreach($NewNicAdvancedProperty in $NewNicAdvancedProperties) { if($SourceAdvancedProperty.ElementName -eq $NewNicAdvancedProperty.ElementName) { $PropertiesCounter++ Write-Progress @PropertyProgressParams -PercentComplete ($PropertiesCounter / $VNIC.AdvancedProperties.Count * 100) -Status ('Applying property {0}' -f $SourceAdvancedProperty.DisplayName) Write-Verbose ('Setting advanced property {0} to {1} on {2}' -f $SourceAdvancedProperty.DisplayName, $SourceAdvancedProperty.DisplayValue, $VNIC.Name) $NewNicAdvancedProperty.RegistryValue = $SourceAdvancedProperty.RegistryValue Set-CimInstance -InputObject $NewNicAdvancedProperty -ErrorAction Continue } } } } Write-Progress @VNICProgressParams -Completed Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Status 'Reconnecting guest vNICs' -PercentComplete 80 if($GuestVNICs) { foreach ($GuestVNIC in $GuestVNICs) { try { Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $GuestVNIC -VMSwitch $NewSwitch } catch { Write-Error -Message ('Failed to connect virtual adapter "{0}" with MAC address "{1}" to virtual switch "{2}": {3}' -f $GuestVNIC.Name, $GuestVNIC.MacAddress, $NewSwitch.Name, $_.Exception.Message) -ErrorAction Continue } } } Write-Progress @SwitchProgressParams -Completed } } if($IsClustered) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Resuming cluster node' $OutNull = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $ClusterNode -MethodName 'Resume' -Arguments @{FailbackType=1} } }

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6 thoughts on "Free Script – Convert Legacy Teamed Hyper-V vSwitch to SET"
I have a server that is configured with an LBFO Team where I’ve set up three interfaces, each of them bounded to a specific VLAN. OS is windows server 2019
For each interface I have made a vswitch so that Hyper-v can differentiate traffic from the VMs
I’ve tried to run your script, but it responds that the switch already use SET, so it skips the modifications.
Is this normal?
how can I see if I’m using SET or LBFO?
This script checks for SET like this (should return True for SET, False for LBFO):
Get-VMSwitch | select Name, EmbeddedTeamingEnabled
This also works (should return something for SET, nothing for LBFO):
If you’re in the GUI, then an SET will not show up when you run LBFOadmin.exe
As I read your description again, I doubt that my script will result in a proper rebuild. That’s a completely unsupported setup.