Free PowerShell Script for Hyper-V: Get-ClusterVM
08 Apr 2014 by Eric SironI recently had a need to locate a specific VM in a cluster. Turns out, there’s no truly direct way to do it. Therefore, I have developed a simple...
A PowerShell Based Hyper-V Health Report
28 Jan 2014 by Jeffery HicksOver the course of the last year I’ve written a great deal about managing Hyper-V with Windows PowerShell. If you haven’t started tinkering with PowerShell to see what it...
Free Tool: Migrate Hyper-V Management OS Virtual Adapters To Another Switch
14 Aug 2013 by Eric SironMoving a virtual machine’s virtual adapter from one virtual switch to another is easy. It’s a drop-down box on the VM’s properties or a quick flip with Disconnect-VMNetworkAdapter and Connect-VMNetworkAdapter....
How to Monitor Hyper-V Using Nagios
07 Aug 2013 by Eric SironSystem monitoring is one of the more important things we can do for our datacenters, as it helps to spot problems in the onset phase where they can be dealt...
Free Tool for Hyper-V 2012: Synchronize Virtual Machine Names and Computer Names
12 Jul 2013 by Eric SironSo, there you are, trying to beat your Minesweeper score, when the Active Directory administrator calls you wanting to know why he’s looking at computer objects named “WIN-1AWER48J54A” and the...
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