How to Check Hyper-V Replica Health – Part 1

Hyper-V Replica provides built-in tools and utilities to do a health check for Hyper-V Replication. There are a number of ways to check Hyper-V Replication health but two easiest way to check status of replication of virtual machines are using the โ€œHyper-V Managerโ€ snap-in and Hyper-V Replica PowerShell modules.

You can also use โ€œMsvm_ComputerSystemโ€ WMI Class which implements โ€œReplicationStateโ€ property to retrieve the health information but PowerShell is the most preferred way amongst the Virtualization administrators today! We are going to primarily focus on using Hyper-V Manager and Event Viewer to do a thorough health check of Hyper-V Replication throughout the articles of this series.

Since Hyper-V Manager is sufficient to get enough Hyper-V replication health information for troubleshooting purpose, there is no need to download any third party tools or utilities from Internet.

I have talked about Hyper-V Replica in different posts published on this blog. The posts are ranging from an overview of Hyper-V Replica to how Hyper-V Replica actually works. If youโ€™re sill unaware of the benefits provided by the Hyper-V Replica or not familiar with any of the terms used in this article, I would recommend you reading a series of posts I have written specifically for Hyper-V Replica.

And if you want to learn more about how Hyper-V Replica actually works then take a look at this article: How Hyper-V Replica actually works. Before you start troubleshooting the Hyper-V replication issues, you must understand how all underlying components of Hyper-V Replica work.

For any Virtual Machine which is participating in the Hyper-V Replication, the Primary Server maintains the replication health status of the virtual machine. The replication health status is not maintained in a database but in the volatile memory which is refreshed every 5 minutes as the default interval for replicating changes to Replica Server. The replication health status provides a comprehensive summary of all the aspects of the Hyper-V replication. For example, you can know when was the last time replication occurred for a particular virtual machine and the average size of data which was replicated to the Replica Server for a virtual machine.

Normally, a virtual machine, which participates in Hyper-V Replication, can enter into one of three replication health status; โ€œWarningโ€, โ€œCriticalโ€ , and โ€œNormalโ€. Many Virtualization administrators get confused with the different replication health status a virtual machine can enter into.

In this part of the article series, we are going to primarily focus on how to know the virtual machine replication health status using Hyper-V Manager snap-in.

โ€œReplication Healthโ€ Column

Using Hyper-V Manager, you can see the replication health of all the virtual machines in a consolidated view. Hyper-V Manager console view implements a column called โ€œReplication Healthโ€ which shows the current status of the virtual machine replication. Hyper-V Managerโ€™s default view does not show this column. You must add it by clicking โ€œViewโ€ menu and then selecting โ€œAdd/Remove Columnsโ€ as shown in the below screenshots:

As you can see in the above screenshot, there is an available columnย  called โ€œReplication Healthโ€. Add this column to the โ€œDisplayed Columnsโ€ list and then click Ok. Once you click Ok, Hyper-V will populate the current replication health status of all the virtual machines as shown in the below screenshot:

As you can see in above screenshot, it shows โ€œCriticalโ€ for virtual machine โ€œRVM1โ€. If Hyper-V replication is working for this virtual machine, the replication health status should change to โ€œNormalโ€. Other replication health status such as โ€œNot Replicatingโ€ or โ€œNot Applicableโ€ indicate that the virtual machine is not configured forย  the Hyper-V Replication.

Collecting Replication Health Delta

Once you know the replication health status of a virtual machine from the Hyper-V Manager, you can get replication health data by doing a right click on the virtual machine and then selecting the โ€œView Replication Healthโ€ action as shown in the below screenshot:

โ€œView Replication Healthโ€ action shows the overall status of the Primary Virtual Machine including the replication health data as shown in the below screenshot.

Note: This action can be performed either from Primary or Replica Server but the information provided will be different.

As shown in the above screenshot, the โ€œReplication Healthโ€ page shows replication health data for virtual machine โ€œRVM1โ€.

From the โ€œReplication Healthโ€ page, there are four columns, you must check for any virtual machine to know the replication status; โ€œReplication Stateโ€, โ€œReplication Healthโ€, โ€œLast Synchronized atโ€ and โ€œSuccessful replication cyclesโ€.

To quickly check the status of the replication, check โ€œLast synchronized atโ€ and โ€œSuccessful replication cyclesโ€ values as shown in the screenshot above.

As you can see, the replication health status of the virtual machine โ€œRVM1โ€ is โ€œNormalโ€ and โ€œSuccessful replication cyclesโ€ reported is โ€œ3 out of 3โ€. This indicates no issues with the replication. Replication works normally for the virtual machine for past 10 minutes. In fact, no replication cycles have been missed for past 10 minutes.

Note: A โ€œNormalโ€ state indicates that a virtual machine is replicating normally and changes are being replicated to the Replica Virtual Machine within the replication interval (5 minutes).

Other than โ€œNormalโ€ state, a virtual machine can also enter into โ€œWarningโ€ or โ€œCriticalโ€ which are explained in the next part of this article series.


We saw how easy it is to check the replication status of a virtual machine using the Hyper-V Manager and how helpful the statistical data are, which are provided on replication page, to troubleshoot the issues with the Hyper-V replication.

We also saw that a virtual machine can enter into different replication health status depending on the various conditions. These conditions with a detailed explanation of โ€œWarningโ€ and โ€œCriticalโ€ health status will be explained in detail in the next part of this article series.


Altaro Hyper-V Backup
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10 thoughts on "How to Check Hyper-V Replica Health – Part 1"

  • Avadhut Kulkarni says:

    i am using vmware workstation and now i am planning to use HyperV 2012 for for test lab at home. here is my setup
    I7-4770, Asrock H77 ext3 motherboard, 32GB DDR3-1866Mhz, Samsung 256GB SSD, 3TB Segate.
    as SSD is damn expensive, and i already run Win8 with Vmware workstation9, i dont want dual boot solution. so i am planning to run HypverV on my 32GB USB3 thubdrive. if i run into any issues, hope i can get some help.. cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Avadhut Kulkarni says:

    i am using vmware workstation and now i am planning to use HyperV 2012 for for test lab at home. here is my setup
    I7-4770, Asrock H77 ext3 motherboard, 32GB DDR3-1866Mhz, Samsung 256GB SSD, 3TB Segate.
    as SSD is damn expensive, and i already run Win8 with Vmware workstation9, i dont want dual boot solution. so i am planning to run HypverV on my 32GB USB3 thubdrive. if i run into any issues, hope i can get some help.. cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lee says:

    Not able to complete initial replication copy. The vm volume run out of diskspace during replication and vm went into pause mode. Volume size 1.8TB witn 300GB free space.

    vm status shows “turning off” all time however managed to enable replication without but not showing replication progress.


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